(JC-454299) Partnerships and Programs Coordinator

Website CaltransHQ Caltrans

Caltrans shapes the future of transportation across California.

To Apply:  https://calcareers.ca.gov/CalHrPublic/Jobs/JobPosting.aspx?JobControlId=454299

Will Consider Transportation Planner

Under the direction of the Innovation Branch Chief, a Senior Transportation Planner, the Associate Transportation Planner is responsible for complex and sensitive technical transportation planning work as the Caltrans coordinator of the State Transportation Innovation Council (STIC) , Every Day Counts (EDC), Accelerated Market Readiness (AMR), and Intellectual Property (IP) programs. The Associate Transportation Planner assists with preparation of policies, establishes procedures, formulates and determines program priorities, facilitates the development of training and technical resources, and the analysis of white papers and briefing documents on the coordinated programs. The Associate Transportation Planner assists and supports the Caltrans’ Innovation Program and Innovation Station efforts in the department.

3 Steps To A State Job: CalCareers  1. Create an account 2. Take an exam 3. Apply for vacant position

Associate Transportation Planner Exam

Eligibility for hire may be determined by your score on the exam. For those who do not have current eligibility (e.g. transfer, permissive reinstatement or voluntary demotions) and/or who will be new to state civil services employment, you must be on the state examination list to be eligible for these positions. The exam is located here:  https://calcareers.ca.gov/CalHrPublic/Exams/ExamBulletin.aspx?ExamControlId=2701

Transportation Planner Exam

Eligibility for hire may be determined by your score on the exam. For those who do not have current eligibility (e.g. transfer, permissive reinstatement or voluntary demotions) and/or who will be new to state civil services employment, you must be on the state examination list to be eligible for these positions. The exam is located here: https://calcareers.ca.gov/CalHrPublic/Exams/ExamBulletin.aspx?ExamControlId=2895

To apply for this job email your details to PMPRecruit@dot.ca.gov

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