The terms of two elected APA California – Northern Section Board positions, Director-Elect and Administrative Director, will expire on December 31, 2024. A Nominations Committee, overseen by Section Director-Elect Libby Tyler, FAICP, will solicit and review applications. These Section Board positions will serve a two-year term, commencing January 1, 2025. As described in the Section Bylaws, the responsibilities of the positions include:

Direct Elect (Section Bylaws Section 4.6.2)
Candidates for the Direct Elect must have been on the Northern Section Board for at least one year of the last five years. The duties of the Director-Elect shall be to:
- Preside at all meetings and represent the Section in the absence of the Section Director;
- Act as Section Director for the duration of an extended absence or disability of the Section Director, as authorized by the Section Board;
- Organize an annual Board Retreat, as deemed necessary by the Section Director or the Section Board; and
- Be responsible for keeping the Bylaws in order, appointing the Nomination Committee and organizing elections, and other duties as assigned by the Section Director.
Administrative Director (Section Bylaws Section 4.6.4)
The duties of the Administrative Director shall be to:
- Receive and be held responsible for all records of the Section, and to make such records available for inspection by members upon request;
- Conduct the correspondence of the Section under the direction of the Section Director and the Section Board;
- Take and distribute the records of actions resulting from Section Board meetings;
- Work with Board members to publicize section professional development activities, networking events and to develop and publish a calendar of such activities;
- Work closely with the Communications Director in the preparation, editing, and publishing of the content for e-News;
- Inform APA California of any section activity, program, or award that may be of significant interest to other APA members; and
- Perform such other duties as are customary to the office of Administrative Director consistent with these Bylaws.
Section members in good standing (including incumbent Board members) who are interested in running Director-Elector Administrative Director must submit a complete nomination petition by November 4, 2024 that includes the following: Name, address of membership, email, work or daytime phone number, signatures of support from at least five current Section members, and a brief statement of candidacy (not to exceed 500 words), to the Nomination Committee Chair, Director-Elect Libby Tyler, FAICP, at
Please email questions or your completed nomination petition to the Nomination Committee Chair, Director-Elect Libby Tyler, FAICP, at