Do you want to become more involved with APA? Do you want to serve your fellow APA CA Northern members? If you are ready to build your professional skills, consider joining our Northern Board by fulfilling one of our vacant positions!

Benefits of joining the Board:
- Meaningfully give back to the planning profession;
- Have an impact on the strategic direction of the Section;
- Collaborate with your peers;
- Mentor future generations of planners or become a mentee of experienced Board Members;
- Build up and celebrate leaders in the industry;
- Build your skill set and enrich your resume;
- Grow your network of local planning professionals; and
- Have fun and make new friends!
Opportunity: Professional Development Director
The Professional Development Director shall be a qualified member of AICP during their tenure of office. The duties of the Professional Development Officer shall be to:
- Organize and develop, with assistance from the Distance Education Coordinator (DEC), the Regional Activity Coordinators (RACs), and the Planners4Health Coordinator, professional development programs for the continuing education of practicing planners. This program shall be coordinated with those of partner organizations, universities, and APA California;
- Collaborate with the Chapter and other Sections to help promote AICP and to provide resources for Section members planning to take the AICP exam;
- Work with the Communications Director, Newsletter Editor(s), and Social Media Coordinator to publicize professional development events;
- Work with partner organizations to collaborate on events that benefit the membership as a whole;
- Work with the Ethics Review Director and Legislative Director to coordinate an annual event to earn ethics and law Certification Maintenance (CM) credits; and
- Organize and manage a Planning Commissioners Training program.
Opportunity: Diversity Co-Director
The duties of the Diversity Co-Director shall be to:
- Provide input to the Section Board related to the special needs of Planners of Color (POC), Students of Color (SOC), and marginalized communities within the Section, as appropriate;
- Organize educational meetings and workshops for members around the issues of diversity, inclusion, and equity;
- Contribute articles on diversity, inclusion, and equity to the Communications Director, Newsletter Editor, and Social Media Coordinator for distribution among the Section’s various communication channels;
- Maintain the diversity email listserv;
- Attend monthly statewide virtual teleconference Inclusion Director check-in meetings hosted by the Chapter’s Vice President of Equity and Inclusion; and
- Help to shape the Diversity Summit that occurs during each Chapter Conference (i.e. contact potential speakers, host diversity happy hour during conference).
Opportunity: Ethics Review Director
The Ethics Review Director shall be a qualified member of AICP during their tenure. The duties of the Ethics Review Director shall be to:
- Promote the AICP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct;
- Partner with the Professional Development Director and Legislative Director to coordinate an annual event to earn ethics and law Certification Maintenance (CM) credits;
- Advise planners how to negotiate ethical and moral dilemmas;
- Prepare and submit articles to Northern News regarding any ethics-related topics of interest; and
- Assist in AICP training regarding ethics, as requested.
Opportunity: Mid-Career Planners Group Co-Director
The duties of the Mid-Career Planners Group Co-Director shall be to:
- Organize and provide a forum for professionals with 10-25 years of experience working in a planning or planning-related field to cultivate professional growth through career building programs, social events, and mentoring opportunities;
- Work closely with other Section Board Members, such as the Professional Development Director, Events Program Manager, and RACs, to publicize and organize events; and
- Work with the Communications Director, Social Media Coordinator, and Technology Manager to keep current on new ways to communicate with mid-career planners.
How to Apply
For appointed positions, you must be an APA member with current/paid-up membership and reside or practice planning within Northern’s service area (Alameda, Contra Costa, Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Monterey, Napa, San Benito, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Solano, and Sonoma counties).
If you wish to be considered, please submit your resume and letter of interest outlining why you’d like to be considered for a specific position or positions, any relevant experiences, and what you’ll bring to the position. Please email the requested documents to Section Director-Elect Jeff Bond, AICP at