Urban Planning Tour of India

A group of eighteen urban planners traveled to India in October 2009 on a twenty-day tour, combining meetings and discussions with local planners and architects in concert with a sampling of the cultural highlights of the country. The tour began in Delhi and ended in Mumbai, including stops in Chandigargh, Jaipur, Udaipur, and Ahmedabad. Meetings with local professional spanned a wide variety of backgrounds and topics, including meetings with those in academia, private consulting, public agencies, planning associations, and real estate development.

Discussion topics and case examples included the Delhi General Plan, Delhi Metro, Delhi Old Town revitalization / redevelopment, the history and longevity of Le Courbusier’s Master Plan for Chandigargh, green building and local craftsmanship in Ahmedabad, and slum redevelopment in Mumbai. Other highlights included escorting the former Chief Architect of Chandigarh from Delhi to Chandigarh for a reunion with former students and becoming the centerpiece of a media blitz while riding the new bus rapid transit system in Ahmedabad. Cultural highlights included visits to the Taj Mahal and spectacular forts in Rajasthan, relaxing in the white city of Udaipur, and shopping in the colorful markets in each city.

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