Passive House Brussels Tour – Benchmark for NYC Plan

BePassiveInterested in a seeing-is believing tour of Passive House HQ Brussells?  Why . . . , not!  In September 2014 NYC Mayor De Blasio released an energy efficiency Plan for NYC called ‘One City: Built to Last‘. The Passive House standard is celebrated in the plan as the target benchmark for future energy performance of both new build and existing building stock.

Passive house is a proven building standard “on the rise.” In fact the region of Brussels went from dead last in EU building energy efficiency in 2007 to first place in 2012. In that time period, they added 15 million square meters of passive house. How did that happen? It was the brainchild and brilliant system intervention of Joke (‘Yoka’) Dockx, Director for Energy at the Brussels Institute for Management of the Environment.

Want to find out more? Check out the links below, OR . . . , take a “seeing is believing” tour of Brussells, the Delivering the ‘One City Built to Last’ Strategy for NYC, Fact Finding Mission: Passive House HQ Brussels from Sunday, May 17 to Wednesday, May 2o (PDF Brochure;  organizer:  Bronwyn Barry, CPHD, Assoc. AIA Certified Passive House Consultant, Director – One Sky Homes).  Meet Joke and other leading practitioners, learn the key concepts, and tour the inspiring projects.

Register online ($1,995 + flight) by clicking here. If you require any assistance please contact us at


[Post prepared by Scott T. Edmondson, AICP, founder/past co-director and Research Program Lead of the Northern Section’s Sustainability Committee, one of the APA Sustainable Communities Division’s Sustainability Champions, and a strategic sustainability planner-economist at the SF Planning Department.]

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