EVENT: Habitat III And Bay Area Sustainability Planning

Dates/Times:  THUR Nov. 17th and TUES Nov. 22nd (come one or both days).

Time:   2-3:30 pm (student presentations), 3:45-4:30pm (tentative Debrief/Q&A w Prof. Acey; must RSVP here/below)

Please RSVP (1) for attending the student presentations (courtesy option) and (2) for the Debrief (required) in the google form below (or click).

Location:  ROOM 106, Wurster Hall, University of California, Berkeley (map).

CM:  self-report option

Co-hosted by: APA Sustainability Committee & University of California Berkeley Department of City & Regional Planning.


Please join us and some of your internationally-oriented local planning colleagues for another UCB/APA collaboration linking academia to practice.  This session will explore the Implications of Habitat III for Bay Area sustainability planning. Each class team will (1) summarize one Habitat 3 Issue Paper, (2) describe how they applied it to the issues and challenges of their Bay Area case-city, and (3) state their findings and recommendations. Their findings will be based on the challenges and prospects of their case-study city achieving sustainable urbanization and with reference to the new possibilities opened up by the world’s New Urban Agenda from Habitat III. The cases will also include an individual 5-page policy memo written to the Director of Planning in each case-study city.  Final products will be available on the web.

These presentations continue Professor Acey’s past projects focused on real world practices of the undergraduate “Planning for Sustainability” class. Topics have included  (1) global sustainability and UN Sustainable Development Goals, (2) regional sustainability planning in the San Francisco Bay Area, and (3) local planning for sustainability using the American Planning Association’s new accreditation guidelines to review general/comprehensive plans for meeting sustainability criteria (see links below).

This semester’s project will explore new pathways for urban sustainability based on the world’s new sustainable development goals (Fall 2015) and Habitat 3’s New Urban Agenda (Fall 2016). Each student research group will use one of Habitat III’s Issue Papers to prepare a background case study for their local Bay Area “case-study” city. The Teams will use their Issue Paper to reframe the local challenge and develop new sustainability planning responses reflecting the New Urban Agenda. The teams will interview at least one planning official/expert.

The United Nations Habitat III Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development took place in Quito, Ecuador, on October 17-20. The outcome of the conference is a New Urban Agenda designed to reinvigorate the global commitment to sustainable urbanization, recognizing the enormous role and impact that cities have on the global environment and economy (https://www.habitat3.org/).

Links to past class final products

Other Links

RSVP Google Form (NOTE: Must RSVP to attend the Debrief w Prof. Acey

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