Northern News

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A publication of the American Planning Association, California Chapter, Northern Section

Creating great communities for all

New! Northern Section webinar series

By Shannon Hake, AICP, April 12, 2019

The National Planning Conference is always a great way to learn about innovative projects and best practices in planning from around the country, and this year’s event highlighted many Northern California successes. To keep the momentum of NPC19 going, APA California – Northern Section will hold a series of quarterly webinars showcasing Northern California’s best practices in planning throughout 2019.

The webinars will highlight members’ projects, plans, policies, and innovations (and allow members to earn CM credits throughout the year without needing to travel). The Northern Section has made it easy to participate — and unlike NPC, you don’t need to assemble a panel of speakers or apply to be a speaker eight months in advance.

We will hold webinars in May, August, and November, showcasing the great planning work happening in Northern California. The section will coordinate sessions based on similar topics, register the webinars for CM credit, and moderate the webinars. All you have to do is prepare a 15-minute presentation on a Northern California planning topic of your choice and we’ll take care of the rest.

Interested in presenting your work? Just complete this form by April 30 to let us know what you’d like to present and to be considered for the webinar series. Contact Distance Education Coordinator Shannon Hake, AICP, with any questions.

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