Northern News

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A publication of the American Planning Association, California Chapter, Northern Section

Creating great communities for all

Former Concord Naval Weapons Station may be site of new CSU campus

By Don Ford, CBS SF KPIX 5, June 11, 2019.

For years, state and local leaders have dreamed about how best to develop the now-closed Concord Naval Weapons Station. One of those dreams included turning the former base into a four-year college — a dream that now may be a little closer to reality.

In a joint announcement June 11, state officials confirmed that Concord is one of five locations in California that will be studied for a new California State University campus. The location is close to BART, freeways, and bus lines.

The university would be built on the northeast corner of the former base. “We’ve established 120 acres of the former Concord Naval Weapons Station for some kind of public institution of higher learning or research facility,” said Concord Mayor Carlyn Oberinger.

The study will cost $2 million and it’s unknown how long it will take to complete. Concord is competing with San Mateo, Stockton, Chula Vista, and Palm Desert.

“It’s a political conversation and we’re thankful we have an assemblymember who’s been able to get us two million dollars for the feasibility study,” said Oberinger.

The site selection study won’t get the green light until the state budget is formally approved.

Read the full article or watch the news clip here.

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