We Want You! (To Join Our Board)

Do you want to be more involved with APA? Do you want to serve your fellow Northern Section members? If you are you ready to build your professional skills, consider joining your Northern Section board in one of our vacant positions!

We are looking to fill vacancies for the following:


North Bay Regional Activity Coordinators (RAC)

The RACs shall be represented on the Section Board by geographic designation. The seven geographic areas divided by counties are: East Bay (Alameda, Contra Costa), Monterey Bay (Monterey,San Benito, Santa Cruz), North Bay (Marin, Napa, Solano, Sonoma), Peninsula (San Mateo), Redwood Coast (Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Mendocino), San Francisco (San Francisco), and South Bay (Santa Clara). The duties of the RACs shall be to:

  1. Provide input to the Board related to the special needs of members in specified regions in the Section or in designated Sub-Sections;
  2. Organize periodic meetings and workshop for members in their regions, contribute relevant articles to the newsletter and assist the Professional Development Director in carrying out the Section’s professional development programs; and
  3. Provide occasional social functions in order to foster a sense of community
    within and among Section members.


The general qualifications, you must be an APA member with current/paid-up membership, reside and practice planning within the Northern Section (nine Bay Area counties including Santa Cruz, Mendocino, Humboldt, and Del Norte counties). If you wish to be considered, we’ll be interested to get a resume and letter of interest telling us why you’d like to be considered for the appointment, any relevant experiences, and what you’ll bring to the program. Please submit those to Section Director-Elect Jonathan Schuppert, AICP.

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