Northern News

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A publication of the American Planning Association, California Chapter, Northern Section

Creating great communities for all

Northern News adds editors

By Naphtali H. Knox, FAICP, editor

The Northern Section Board’s executive committee has appointed three associate editors, and all have contributed to producing the February 2020 issue:

The three are:

Richard Davis, a survey re­search­er at UC Ber­ke­ley’s Trans­porta­tion Sus­tain­ability Re­search Cen­ter and a research assist­ant at San Jose State Uni­ver­sity’s Mineta Trans­porta­tion In­sti­tute (MTI). Recently, he co-au­thored the re­port A Frame­work for Inte­grat­ing Trans­porta­tion into Smart Cities, published by MTI in No­vem­ber 2019. Davis is a graduate stu­dent in the urban and regional plan­ning program at San Jose State. He holds a BA in screenwriting from Loyola Marymount University. He grew up in Cupertino, where he now resides.


Andrea Marde­sich is a senior plan­ner for the City of San Carlos who pre­vious­ly worked as a contract city plan­ner with Neal Martin & Asso­ciates. She holds a master of business administration from Kaplan Univer­sity and a bachelor’s degree in political science from Santa Clara University, and is currently obtaining her master of urban plan­ning San Jose State University. Mardesich lives in San Carlos with her husband and two children.


Sajuti Rah­man, a man­age­ment an­alyst with the City of San Car­los Com­mun­ity Devel­op­ment De­part­ment. She pre­vious­ly worked in economic development with Suisun City and on affordable housing with BRIDGE Housing. Rahman holds a master of urban planning from San Jose State University and a BA in urban studies from UC San Diego.

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