Northern News

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A publication of the American Planning Association, California Chapter, Northern Section

Creating great communities for all

Coronavirus: Fate of Lafayette’s big housing plan postponed

By Jon Kawamoto, East Bay Times, March 26, 2020

“A key vote on Lafayette’s controversial, 315-unit housing plan known as the Terraces of Lafayette has been postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic.

“The project was scheduled to be heard April 6 by the Lafayette Planning Commission, but that meeting was cancelled — as were all meetings, events and activities by the city because of the Bay Area’s shelter-in-place order.

“The target date for the next Terraces hearing is April 27, according to city spokesman Jeffrey Heyman.

“The Terraces has been the subject of 20 public hearings since it was first proposed in March 2011. But a new housing law, Senate Bill 330 by state Sen. Nancy Skinner, D-Oakland, limits the number of public hearings to five for new applications.

Lafayette. Credit: APA California

“The Terraces apartment plan was revived soon after Lafayette voters in June 2018 rejected Measure L, which would have allowed the developer to build 44 houses instead of apartments on 22 acres off Deer Hill and Pleasant Hill roads.

“Because a hearing on the revived housing plan was held in January, only four more can be scheduled before the planning commission makes a decision, according to Robert Hodil, an attorney hired by the city to advise it on the Terraces project.”

Read more here. (1 min)

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