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A publication of the American Planning Association, California Chapter, Northern Section

Creating great communities for all

General Plan Guideline alert: Environmental Justice

From OPR, June 24, 2020

The Governor’s Office of Planning and Research has updated the General Plan Guidelines to include revised guidance on environmental justice (EJ) in response to Senate Bill 1000 (Leyva, 2016). This resource expands on the preliminary guidance provided in the 2017 General Plan Guidelines and will help local planning agencies, stakeholder groups, and the broader public better understand the requirements and methods for addressing EJ topics in the general plan enacted through SB 1000. The updated guidance provides:

  • Additional clarity on when EJ requirements are triggered and to whom they apply;
  • More specific guidance on how to identify and engage with disadvantaged communities (as defined in State law) throughout the general plan update process; and,
  • How to identify and address the specific needs and issues faced by disadvantaged communities through the general plan and its implementation.

In addition to the guidance, OPR has published an example policy language document along with a set of case studies to highlight EJ-related policies and initiatives that can be replicated or strengthened to create positive local transformation across California.

For any questions regarding SB 1000 or these EJ resources, please send an email to

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