Northern News

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A publication of the American Planning Association, California Chapter, Northern Section

Creating great communities for all

Alameda County Heat Vulnerability Map

By the Alameda County Office of Sus­tain­abil­ity, August 19, 2020

Hello, planners! Alameda County has launched an interactive map to illustrate the social and environ­mental factors that contribute to community heat vul­ner­abil­ity in our county.

The map shows the neighborhoods and demographic groups disproportionately affected by heat waves. We hope this map will be useful to city planners, county agencies, and neighborhood and community organizations in Alameda County to support their efforts to assess and respond to the impacts of extreme heat. For those in other counties, the model may be useful to you.

The map is best viewed on a computer. It can take a minute for the map to initialize.

For this ArcGIS storymap, you’ll navigate through tabs which show (1) an overall heat vulnerability index, (2) built environment data, (3) demographic data, (4) health data, and (5) project background and additional resources.

For most tabs, descriptive text at the left of the map includes yellow links that you click to populate the map. (If on a mobile device, click on the “i” at the top right to see text.) For example, under the Health tab, click the yellow links to see map layers including the prevalence of cardiovascular disease and exposure to poor air quality.

For questions regarding the Heat Vulnerability Map, please contact the Alameda County Office of Sustainability here.

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