Northern News

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A publication of the American Planning Association, California Chapter, Northern Section

Creating great communities for all

Call for nominations: Election of Northern Section leaders

Key dates are October 16, November 2, and November 21

The terms of two elected Board positions, Director-Elect and Administrative Director, end December 31, 2020. A nominating committee overseen by Director-Elect Florentina Craciun was formed to solicit and review applications, with the election scheduled for November 2020. Each Board position is for a two-year term, commencing January 1, 2021. The current Director-Elect will assume the Director position on January 1, 2021.

Duties of Director-Elect 

  • Preside at all meetings and represent the Section in the absence of the Section Director and organize the annual Board Retreat;
  • Act as Section Director should the Section Director be unable to serve, as authorized by the Section Board;
  • Be responsible for keeping the Bylaws in order, appointing the Nomination Committee, and organizing elections; and
  • Additionally, candidates running for Director-Elect shall have served on the Northern Section Board for at least one (1) year in the past five (5) years.

Duties of Administrative Director

  • Maintain the Section records, and make such records available for members;
  • Conduct the correspondence of the Section under the Section Director and the Section Board;
  • Prepare and distribute the records of actions resulting from Section Board meetings;
  • Work with Board members to publicize professional development activities and networking events and maintain a calendar of such activities;
  • Work closely with the Communications Director to prepare the eNews; and,
  • Inform APA California of section activities of interest to other APA members.

Submitting nominations

Interested Northern Section members in good standing (including incumbent Board members) must submit a complete nomination petition by October 16, 2020, that includes the following: Name, address of membership, email, work or daytime phone number, signatures of support from at least five current Northern Section members, and a brief statement of candidacy (not to exceed 500 words) to the APA California Northern Nomination Committee at


Electronic ballots will be sent to the Northern Section membership on November 2, 2020, and will be due November 21, 2020. The Nomination Committee will publish qualifying candidate statements in the October 27 edition of the eNews and will include on the election ballot all candidates who meet the minimum qualifications as described in the APA California Northern Bylaws (Section 4.2.2). The Bylaws can be found on the Northern Section website at Please submit completed nomination petitions to the Nomination Committee Chair, Florentina Craciun, AICP, at

Return to the October issue here.

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