Northern News

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A publication of the American Planning Association, California Chapter, Northern Section

Creating great communities for all


Assembled by associate editor Sajuti Rahman Haque, September 10, 2020

Check out what our readers are saying about Northern News:

Keep up the great work. The issues this year have been great, and I look forward to the new Northern News emails every month.
—Karl Sveinsson, AICP, Oakland

YES! That last edition of NN was amazing and jam packed with content!
—Andrea Ouse, AICP, Concord

Very readable, and useful. I already sent an article from it to a planner in Santa Barbara County. Looking forward to the next issue.
—Bill Siembieda, AICP, San Luis Obispo

Wow…this is impressive!!!
—Jeffrey Lambert, Oxnard

I like what I read and see here, and in these difficult times I have a lot of time to read and contemplate.
—Gary J. Schoennauer, FAICP, San Jose

Ah, another Dr. Seuss fan, as am I and other planners I know. Maybe it is that very storybook that draws us. And I’ll take this moment to say thanks for all you do and have done for APA and our profession.
—Kevin Riley, Los Gatos

Return to the October issue here.


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