Northern News

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A publication of the American Planning Association, California Chapter, Northern Section

Creating great communities for all


Thanks for including my Seattle photo in the latest Northern News [“Where in the world,” October 2020]. I am honored to be featured along with your London image that includes the Walkie Talkie Building. And that Shanghai photo is terrific. The “exuberance” of Asian cities is unmatched elsewhere in the world. Ever forward,

—H. Pike Oliver, Seattle

What a tremendous reading experience this email is [announcing the October 2020 issue]! And I haven’t event clicked on the links yet. I am delighted by the approach and enthusiastic tone conveyed in your initial message. Wow! It is gratifying to have such talented editors and writers working to put sparkle and pizzazz into Northern News. Thank you to the entire editorial team and to the contributors!

—Stephen Avis, AICP, Regional Activity Coordinator, Redwood Coast Region

Return to the November Northern News here.

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