Northern News

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A publication of the American Planning Association, California Chapter, Northern Section

Creating great communities for all

We want YOU — to join our Board

By Michael Cass, Director-elect, March 12, 2021

Do you want to be more involved with APA? Do you want to serve your fellow Northern Section members? If you are ready to build your professional skills, consider joining your Northern Section Board as we look to fill the following vacancies:

  • Marketing and Sponsorship Manager — appointed

  • San Francisco Regional Activity Coordinator — appointed

  • Treasurer — elected

For all positions — elected and appointed — you must be an APA member in good standing (fees paid), and reside or practice planning within the Northern Section (Alameda, Contra Costa, Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Monterey, Napa, San Benito, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Solano, and Sonoma counties). To be considered, please submit your résumé and a letter of interest — noting why you’d like to be considered, any relevant experience, and what you’ll bring to the position — to Section Director-Elect Michael P. Cass at All positions are open until filled.



The Treasurer should have a working knowledge of accounting procedures, including posting debits and credits into accounting software, balancing accounts and reconciling statements, and other financial practices as specified by the California Chapter’s financial policies. Here’s what the Treasurer does:

  1. Prepares an annual Section budget;
  2. Receives and is held accountable for all Section accounts and funds and makes proper authorized disbursement of said funds;
  3. Collects — or designates a person responsible to collect — money at events that require a fee;
  4. Works with any hired bookkeeper or finance professional to assist with financial duties, such as taxes and annual reporting requirements;
  5. Submits financial reports to the Section Board; and
  6. Submits quarterly financial reports, including an end-of-year financial report, to the Chapter.

The new Treasurer will complete the remainder of the existing term, which concludes on December 31, 2021.


Marketing and Sponsorship Manager

The duties of the Marketing and Sponsorship Manager are to:

  1. Work with the Communications Director and the Executive Board to develop a strategic marketing, fundraising, and sponsorship plan to raise funds and increase Section awareness, through, for example, sponsorships, fundraising, and advertisements;
  2. Lead the implementation and execution of the strategic marketing, fundraising, and sponsorship plan;
  3. Manage a list of existing and prospective sponsors and track their donation status;
  4. With input from other officers, develop, and maintain a sponsorship package, including advertising materials and the like to be used in soliciting sponsorships, raising funds, and advertising;
  5. Solicit paid advertisements and financial support from businesses and individuals who provide planning-related services, to fund Section programs and activities, events, and the news magazine;
  6. Serve as the contact on communications and support among the Section Board and sponsors; and
  7. Coordinate with the Treasurer on billing and collecting for sponsorships and advertisements.

San Francisco Regional Activity Coordinator (RAC)

The RACs represent the Section’s geographic areas on the Board. Northern Section’s seven geographic areas are East Bay (Alameda and Contra Costa counties), Monterey Bay (Monterey, San Benito, Santa Cruz counties), North Bay (Marin, Napa, Solano, and Sonoma counties), Peninsula (San Mateo County), Redwood Coast (Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, and Mendocino counties), San Francisco, and South Bay (Santa Clara County). The RACs’ duties are to:

  1. Provide input to the Board on the special needs of members in the Section’s regions;
  2. Organize periodic meetings and workshops for members in their regions, contribute relevant articles to the news magazine, and assist the Professional Development Director in carrying out the Section’s professional development programs; and
  3. Organize occasional social functions to foster a sense of community within and among Section members in the region.

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