Northern News

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A publication of the American Planning Association, California Chapter, Northern Section

Creating great communities for all

Who’s where

Robin Bolster-Grant is now Assistant Director–Plan­ning and Building Services at the County of San Benito Re­sources Man­age­ment Agency (Hollister). She had been an attorney at Rice, Luxon and Bolster-Grant in Santa Cruz. Before that, Bolster-Grant was with Santa Cruz County for 17 years as planner, principal planner, and cannabis licensing manager. She holds a JD from Monterey College of Law, an MURP from San Jose State University, and a BA in environmental studies from CSU East Bay. Bolster-Grant also studied environmental planning and policy at UC Davis and physical science at the United States Naval Academy.

Sajuti R. Haque (pro­nounced hawk) has been pro­moted to Senior Man­age­ment Analyst in the City of San Carlos Com­mu­ni­ty Develop­ment Depart­ment. Before join­ing San Carlos in mid-2019, she was an economic development specialist with Suisun City (2017-2019) and an affordable housing Portfolio Associate with BRIDGE Housing, 2016-2017. Haque holds a master of urban planning from San Jose State University and a B.A. in urban studies and planning from UC San Diego. She was an associate editor with Northern News in 2020.

Erik Lund­quist, AICP, started 2021 as Chief of Plan­ning, Monterey County, where he oversees a staff of 20 FTEs, including the two who manage current and long-range planning. He had been a plan­ning man­ager at Hogan Land Ser­vices, Santa Rosa (2017-2021), and before that, he was in Calistoga as senior plan­ner and assistant to the city manager for more than 13 years. Lundquist holds a master of public administration from the University of San Francisco and a BS in city/urban, community, and regional planning, from Cal Poly SLO.

Greg Powell is now at M-Group as a Senior Planner, working on zoning and cur­rent plan­ning for the City of Petaluma. Before join­ing M-Group, he was a plan­ner for the City of Berkeley for 21 years. After business hours, Powell is at area racetracks, both behind the wheel and coaching new drivers at high-performance driving events. He holds a BA in environmental studies from UC Santa Cruz.

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