Northern News

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A publication of the American Planning Association, California Chapter, Northern Section

Creating great communities for all

Major changes to minimum parking standards could be ahead in San Jose

By Bryanna Paz, KALW, August 11, 2021

“San Jose officials are focusing on sustainable travel options this year. They’re looking for new ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and traffic congestion.

“Most San Jose residents are driving on their daily commute, and a majority of these trips are done alone. Census data revealed that three out of four commuter trips in the city are made by one person occupying a single vehicle.

“City officials want to change that by reducing the amount of parking spaces in the area. They’re looking to cut minimum parking requirements for new developments such as apartments and grocery stores. They hope this move will reduce the amount of people driving in the city.

“The San Jose Department of Transportation says that studies show that more parking increases the amount of vehicles miles traveled. The plan is to cut back on parking and bring this number down.

“Proposed parking changes have yet to be decided, but the city is already engaging residents in the discussion.”

See the original article here. (~1 min.)

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