Northern News

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A publication of the American Planning Association, California Chapter, Northern Section

Creating great communities for all

Snapshots of APA ethnicity and gender

From APA National, July 6, 2021

“To support development of equity, diversity, and inclusion-related initiatives,” APA has provided “demographic breakdowns … of our [section’s] membership compared to APA’s overall membership.”

These two images are among five provided in APA’s PowerPoint, which is intended for easy presentation to any chapter members who might benefit from the information.

Among the notable demographic differences between national and our section, Northern Section’s membership is more female, Chinese, and Asian than the national APA membership, but is less Black and less White.

National plans to provide updates on a regular basis to help us understand who our members are as “a step toward promoting diversity and inclusion in the planning profession.”

Note: The categories used in this survey are consistent with those used by the U.S. Census.

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