Northern News

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A publication of the American Planning Association, California Chapter, Northern Section

Creating great communities for all

How to preserve and protect housing from wildfires


In a four-part series, ABAG is hosting two-hour Zoom workshops on “Wildfires and Housing.” The workshops offer AICP Certification Maintenance (CM) credits. Completion of a 3-minute survey is required to take the workshops. The topics and dates for the remaining two sessions are:

  • Session 3: Evacuations – The Law, Practical Approaches & Technology Tools
    Thursday, November 4, 3 pm – 5 pm
  • Session 4: Land Use Planning in the WUI including ADUs
    Thursday, December 2, 3 pm – 5 pm


As the magnitude, destruction, and ferocity of wildfires is increasing, fueled by drought and climate change, neighborhoods and entire communities are threatened by fire. We can’t control wildfires, but we can acts to preserve and protect housing by working collaboratively with public safety and emergency management professionals and our communities.

“Wildfires – How to Preserve and Protect Housing” began with virtual meetings in September and October. The final two sessions will be held in November and December.

In each remaining session, experts will present current information and best practices and share background materials, case studies, reference sites, and other key documents. The sessions aim to help local agencies better understand the evolution and behavior of wildfires, defensible space, home hardening, evacuations (new laws, practical approaches, and new models), and responsive land use planning in the (WUI) Wildfire/Urban Interface.

These sessions are for local planning and housing staff interested in integrating into their planning efforts — including Housing Elements and Safety Elements — holistic, integrated, and realistic approaches to the new reality of wildfires. There is no limit on the number of attendees per agency. All sessions are online and are being recorded for later viewing.

The two sessions already recorded are:

  • Session 1: Wildfires & Housing 101
  • Session 2: Defensible Space & Home Hardening with CAL FIRE Updates

Questions? Contact Cathy Capriola, project consultant, at (916) 257-3287 or

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