Northern News

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A publication of the American Planning Association, California Chapter, Northern Section

Creating great communities for all

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the planner’s workplace, an on-demand series

By Greg Konar, AICP, Distance Education Coordinator, APA California

Get a head start on the new 2022-23 CM reporting cycle by earning your mandatory 1.0 equity credit!

APA Members: $15 • Students: FREE

Previously Attended Webinar in DEI Series: FREE

APA California is now offering all three videos from the recent DEI in the Planner’s Workplace series:

  1. DEI Private Sector Firms: CM | 1.0 | EQUITY
  2. DEI Public Sector: CM | 1.0 | EQUITY
  3. DEI Non-Profit World: CM | 1.0 | EQUITY

Watch either of the first two videos to fulfill your equity requirement. Earn two additional CM credits by watching either or both of the other two.

Please note: The new CM rules require mandatory credits to be earned within the period they are reported. They may only be carried over to a new reporting period as general CM, not mandatory.

Register here.

If you attended any of the DEI webinars in 2021, select the “Previously Attended Webinar in DEI Series” registration category to access all videos in the series. To earn your equity credit, either review a video you watched or select a different video.

Questions? Contact Greg Konar, AICP, Distance Education Coordinator, APA California.

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