Northern News

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A publication of the American Planning Association, California Chapter, Northern Section

Creating great communities for all

Recommend a planner for the emeritus network

By Juan Borrelli, AICP

Do you know a stellar, seasoned, northern California planner who has made outstanding contributions to the profession, including significant accomplishments to enhance the recognition and value of planning? If so, we want your help!

Each year in July, the Northern Section Director, assisted by the Section Historian, nominates individuals to be considered for a Planner Emeritus Network (PEN) Honor Award, one of the highest state-level honors and recognition a California planner can receive.

If you know a colleague or someone in your community or planning networks whom you think could fit the criteria (whether recently retired or currently practicing — and yes, self-nominations are accepted), please email Section Historian Juan Borrelli, AICP at for more information about the application process or with any questions you might have.

The complete list of the Northern Section’s past PEN Honor Award recipients can be viewed here.

More information about PEN is online here.

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