Northern News

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A publication of the American Planning Association, California Chapter, Northern Section

Creating great communities for all

Creating transportation equity from the ground up

Wednesday, April 27, at 10:00 a.m. PDT

Participants of the live webinar are eligible for one Equity CM and 1.5 AICP CM credits.

“Transportation accounts for the largest share of emissions in the United States. But many U.S. cities benefit by having dense urban footprints. By expanding low- and zero-carbon mobility options, cities can help to build more equitable transportation systems and increase economic mobility.

“Join the Smart Growth Network at 10:00 a.m. PDT, Wednesday, April 27, as Alison Sant, author of From the Ground Up: Local Efforts to Create Resilient Cities, Tracey Capers of the Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation in New York City, and Ashwat Narayanan of Our Streets Minneapolis identify how to serve under-resourced communities through investments in walking, cycling, and public transportation.

“For more information and to register, go to

“The Smart Growth Network is a partnership of government, business, and civic organizations that support smart growth. US EPA is one of the founding partners of the network. Since its creation in late 1996, the network has become a clearinghouse for information about smart growth strategies.” APA is a Network Partner.

“The Smart Growth website is a project of the Maryland Department of Planning and is funded by the US EPA Office of Sustainable Communities.”

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