Northern News

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A publication of the American Planning Association, California Chapter, Northern Section

Creating great communities for all

What’s next after defeat of SFMTA’s Prop A infrastructure bond?

From Mass Transit Magazine, June 23, 2022

“The final results from the June 7 election … [showed] that Proposition A, the Muni Reliability and Street Safety Bond, [fell] short of the 66.67 percent share of the vote that’s required for passage.

“The bond measure would have provided $400 million for transportation infrastructure projects [with the majority allocated to] repair and renovation of SFMTA bus yards, facilities, and equipment [and enhanced pedestrian safety and physical accessibility elements.]

“The loss of Proposition A will have a cascading impact on San Francisco’s transportation projects, says SFMTA, [delaying, for example, improvements to high-injury streets and upgrades to charge zero-emission buses.]

“SFMTA says [it] needs to have more conversations and engagement with community members and community-based organizations — especially those on the west side of the city, where support for the bond measure was lowest — to ensure that it fully understand their transportation needs.”

Read the full article here(~3 min.)

SFMTA may seek re-authorization of a transit funding sales tax in November’s election or attempt the bond again. Read more about that and the connection between Prop A’s defeat and the recall of Chesa Boudin in an article by Joe Eskenazi at Mission Local.

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