Northern News

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A publication of the American Planning Association, California Chapter, Northern Section

Creating great communities for all

Mandatory AICP CM FREE WEBINAR, Integrating Sustainability into your Plans

Friday, September 9, 2022

12:00 to 1:00 pm via Zoom

AICP CM Credit | 1.00

AICP members and candidates must earn one CM credit on each of four topics: Ethics, Law, Equity, and Sustainability. This is APA California Northern’s second webinar on these mandatory topics for AICP certificate maintenance.

To join the free Zoom webinar on September 9, from 12 to 1 pm, REGISTER HERE.

Over the course of an hour, “Integrating Sustainability into your Plans” will give you an overview of General Plan law, emphasizing new components in the law related to sustainability and resilience. The session will also touch on the General Plan preparation process, appropriate public engagement, and the relationship between the General Plan and its environmental clearance under CEQA.

We will explore how climate action and resilience issues can be integrated into planning documents and mechanisms, and learn how wildfire resilience landscape can incorporate analysis, research, and policy recommendations for long-term recovery from wildfire disasters.

Speakers: Clay Kerchof, senior specialist at HCD, will join PlaceWorks’ senior advisor David Early, FAICP, and Eli Krispi, the firm’s senior associate for climate action and resiliency. Afshan Hamid, AICP, Professional Development Director with APA California Northern, will moderate.

Questions? Contact Afshan Hamid, AICP.

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