Northern News

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A publication of the American Planning Association, California Chapter, Northern Section

Creating great communities for all

Webinar: Complete Communities Housing Solutions, CM 1.5

Presented by APA California and the San Diego Section

Tuesday, August 30, 2022, Noon to 1:30 pm

Housing continues to be a significant focus for planners in California, and jurisdictions are taking different tacks to respond to local and state policies and mandates. Adopted in 2019, the City of San Diego’s Complete Communities Housing Solutions (CCHS) regulations are aimed at increasing affordable and market-rate housing in the city’s transit priority areas — precisely the areas that California’s SB 375 and SANDAG’s Sustainable Communities Strategy have long targeted.

Cost: APA Members, $15; Non-APA Members, $20; Students, free

The CCHS’s combination of best practices for promoting housing production is innovative and has shown good progress to date. Among other incentives, the ordinance is completely “opt-in” and offers unlimited density within expanded FAR limits. While controversial for some, the CCHS stands out as a model worth learning about and to be considered by other jurisdictions.

Panel Members

Diego Velasco, AICP, Principal and Founder of Citythinkers, San Diego Section Director-Elect

Michael Prinz, City of San Diego Program Manager, Development Services

Kelly Modén, President and CEO, cREate Development

Soheil Nakhshab, Principal, CEO, PE, Nakhshab Development & Design

Please join webinar co-hosts APA San Diego Section and APA California for an overview and assessment of the CCHS from the perspectives of planners and developers. CM | 1.5


Questions? Contact Greg Konar, AICP, Distance Education Coordinator.

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