Editor’s note: APA California Northern Section is excited to share APA California’s Strategic Plan 2022-2025 with you. As planners, we know that strategic plans help us move from vision and mission statements to action. Please read the Executive Summary or the full 2022-2025 Strategic Plan for more detail. We encourage you to share your thoughts about the plan with APA California, and we look forward to the progress that will be made during the next several years.
In the fall and winter of 2021-2022, APA California leadership embarked on a comprehensive strategic planning process to guide the organization’s priorities for the next four years. Key questions and priorities addressed through this process included amplifying our influence and more effectively reaching and serving a broader base of planners and communities throughout the state.
In response to these strategic questions, APA California developed its first organizational vision statement, and updated its mission and core values statements as the foundations for a new strategic framework to guide the organization’s choices and work for the coming four years. Through the strategic planning process, APA California set goals to continue providing value to meet the needs of today’s planners and communities. APA California has committed to increasing the reach and effectiveness of its advocacy as well as developing and expanding educational and networking benefits and activities for younger and more diverse planners. APA California also has pledged to encourage communication and collaboration across its sections and through enhanced partnerships with allied organizations.
If you have questions about this plan or want to be part of its implementation, please contact APA California at support@apacalifornia.org.