Stunning stretch of private coastal Bay Area land to become a public park

By Andrew Chamings, SF Gate, December 12, 2022

“More than 6,000 acres of stunning Bay Area land, once slated for development into luxury estates, is to be protected and opened to the public.

“Now, after gaining approval from its governing body, the land is set to be purchased for about $16 million by a public parks agency, the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District (Midpen), which plans on opening the land up to the public.

“ ‘Back in 1997, the threat of subdivision and commercial development of this stunning, environmentally rich swath of the San Mateo Coastside was very real,’ [Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST)] President Walter T. Moore said in a statement. ‘Fast-forward to 2022, and the people of San Mateo County can rely on the long-term environmental and economic benefits of resilient ecosystems and working lands.’

“The land includes a rare intact coastal prairie, fish-spawning habitats and is home to several special-status species, including the San Francisco garter snake, the California red-legged frog and the American badger.

“The transfer of the land to the public parks district starts with the purchase of approximately 5,100 acres from POST in 2023, with an option to purchase 1,200 further acres in 2025. The funding for the purchase came largely from grants and a public bond measure, Midpen said.”

Read the full article here,  including stunning pictures of this preserved open space.  (~3 min.)

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