CEQA Practice Certificate | UCSD Fall ’23 Extended Studies

The UC San Diego Extended Studies program is excited to announce its online sections during the fall quarter, including its online Certificate in CEQA Practice. The CEQA Practice certificate is designed to offer professionals a unique opportunity to gain the knowledge and practical skills vital to their practice. Coursework will offer project-based work as a central focus of training in order for students to develop a portfolio of work that can be shared with potential employers or clients.

UCSD offers the following online sections during the fall quarter.

If you are interested in UCSD’s program or courses, please contact Program Manager Stefania Randazzo Wright with any questions you may have.

Stefania Randazzo Wright, Program Manager
San Diego Workforce Partnership | Environment & Sustainability
Division of Extended Studies, UC San Diego
Email: srwright@ucsd.edu
Website: https://extendedstudies.ucsd

Illustration for National Community Planning Month with dark gray, light gray and peach blocks, also with California poppies.
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