The term of an elected APA California – Northern Section Board position, Treasurer, will expire on December 31, 2023. A Nominations Committee, overseen by Section Director-Elect Libby Tyler, FAICP, will solicit and review applications. This Section Board position will serve a two-year term, commencing January 1, 2024. As described in the Section Bylaws, the responsibilities of the position include:

Treasurer (Section Bylaws Section 5.6)
- Prepare an annual budget for submittal to the Section Director;
- Receive and be held accountable for all Section accounts and funds and to make proper authorized disbursement of said funds, including those received through an electronic transfer website;
- Collect or to designate a person responsible to collect money at events that requires a fee;
- Work with any bookkeeper or other finance professional hired to assist with prescribed financial duties, such as taxes and annual reporting requirements;
- Submit financial reports to the Section Board; and
- Submit quarterly financial reports, including an end of the year financial report to the Chapter.
Section members in good standing (including incumbent Board members) who are interested in running for Treasurer must submit a complete nomination petition by October 23, 2023 that includes the following: Name, address of membership, email, work or daytime phone number, signatures of support from at least five current Section members, and a brief statement of candidacy (not to exceed 500 words), to the Nomination Committee Chair, Director-Elect Libby Tyler, FAICP, at
If there is a contested election, electronic ballots will be sent out to Section members on November 6, 2023, and they will be due November 20, 2023. The Nomination Committee will publish qualifying candidate statements in eNews and will include on the election ballot all candidates who meet the minimum qualifications as described in the Section Bylaws, which for this position requires APA members in good standing who reside within the Northern Section area.
Please email questions or your completed nomination petition to the Nomination Committee Chair, Director-Elect Libby Tyler, FAICP, at