Help Re-Envision the Active Transportation Resource Center

The Active Transportation Resource Center (ATRC) needs your input on how best to support active transportation efforts in California’s communities of all sizes and types. Please complete a brief survey by clicking on the button below and share your thoughts. The deadline to submit a survey is Friday, April 12, 2024.

The ATRC’s mission is to provide resources, technical assistance, and training to transportation partners across California to increase the opportunity for the success of active transportation projects. The ATRC is funded by an Active Transportation Program (ATP) grant and is administered by Caltrans in partnership with the California Department of Public Health and UC Davis. The ATRC utilizes a combination of subject matter experts from state agencies, universities, and consultants to support ATP applicants, ATP recipients, and others working to improve active transportation across the state. To learn more about the ATRC, visit their website.

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