Renata Robles
Renata Robles recently joined WRA, Inc. as a Public Access Planner. In her role, she manages various park and open space planning efforts to cultivate responsible recreation in sensitive habitats and facilitate restoration opportunities. She supports public agencies, conservation groups, and other landowners in preparing long range plans for sustainable and climate-adaptive land management strategies. Renata is currently the project manager for the development of an open space plan and trail network for the Sonoma County Regional Parks District at the Carrington Coast Ranch Open Space Preserve.
Renata worked previously as a Senior Planner with the City of Lafayette where she managed the General Plan update, including the 6th Cycle Housing Element update. Her prior experience also spans affordable housing preservation, community engagement, and urban design. Renata holds a MA in Urban Planning from USC and a BA in Urban Studies and Environmental Studies from Brown University.
In her free time, Renata is typically planning her next backpacking trip and enjoying live music.
Request for Content
APA California – Northern strives to remain a connected community. We would like to extend a special invitation to members to be featured in the next Northern News “Who’s Where” section, where we are eager to highlight your latest accomplishments and successes.
If you have started a new job, taken on a new role, or opened your agency, we would love to learn about your journey and progress. We are also eager to know more about you, your hobbies, and your interests outside of work such as:
- Other career paths that influence your work
- Professional areas of interest
- AICP certification or other credentials (e.g., LEED, PMP, GISP, etc.)
- Hobbies/Interests outside of your professional work
We always value our members’ backgrounds and achievements, and we would be thrilled to know more about your education and any special projects you’ve worked on in your field. Your contributions are pivotal to our community; we want to hear your unique voice.
- Education
- Interesting projects you have worked on recently
- The most interesting thing about being a planner
Please take a moment to share a little bit about yourself with us by completing our Who’s Where Submittal Form. If you have any issues with this online form, please contact communications@norcal.org. We are excited to get to know you better and look forward to hearing from you soon!”