International Planning Tour to Baja California Sur, Mexico – April 12-19, 2025
This tour is for APA members.
We only have space for a couple more people to attend this fun and educational tour to Mexico! If you’re interested, please contact Hing Wong, FAICP, at hing@hingwong.info right away!
This will be our seventh international planning tour. Our past tours included Cuba (2003), China (2007), India (2009), Brazil (2012), Eastern Europe (2014), and Southeast Asia (2017).
This tour will combine the activities that we are doing as part of the international practices related to city planning in Loreto and the Villages of Loreto Bay (aka Nopoló).
The length of this tour will be only one weeklong (previous tours have been 2-3 weeks except for Cuba which was also one week). By being fewer days and closer in distance to the Northern Section, the travel costs will be lower, and we hope to get young and emerging planners to join along with more experienced professionals.
Go here for more information.
Additional Details
Event Cost -
APA member cost -
CM Credits -
Credits pending or approved - N/A
CM Credits topic area(s) -