Calendar policy

As a valuable service to APA California – Northern Section members, the Section will publicize professional and social events of relevance or interest to the planning profession on our Section website, newsletter, and other electronic mediums. All calendar listings will be reviewed and posted by the Section Administrative Director (or their respective designee) within three business days (at no cost to the listing entity), whether the events are sponsored or co-sponsored by APA or by allied or compatible organizations.

All calendar listings must be submitted by current Section members or allied organizations via this form available on the Section website. The Section reserves the right to edit event posts for brevity, formatting, or other issues deemed appropriate. Persons or organizations seeking to place a calendar item in the Northern News or eNews will be responsible for verifying the deadlines and providing a timely proposed calendar listing.

Event submission criteria

The submitted event(s) shall:

  • Be directly relevant to the practice of city or regional planning and/or related professions;
  • Occur within the counties served by Section, or be a Chapter-wide event; and
  • Be affordable (free or low cost) to Section members.  
  • Multi-day events such as conferences or festivals shall be submitted as one event and may include a link for more information.

Certification Maintenance (CM) credits:

The Professional Development Director ot Distance Education Coordinator (or their respective designees) shall coordinate with the Webmaster to automatically post events which have been submitted or approved for AICP CM credits, provided the event costs no more than $40 per CM credit.

Paid advertisements

This policy does not preclude Section members or allied organizations from placing paid advertisements for events in the Northern News or eNews. Contact the Section Marketing and Sponsorship Director at for information and rates.


Exceptions to this policy shall be up to the discretion of the Professional Development Director, Director-Elect, and/or Director.

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