Master’s Degree in Strategic Leadership Towards Sustainability

The program at the Blekinge Institute of Technology (BHT) in Kariskrona, Sweden, is one of the leading international programs. The offer two master’s degrees: one in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability; the other in Sustainable Product-Service System Innovation. They also offer one of the initial courses, Strategic Leadership for Sustainable Development, as a distance class twice a year. I took that course in 2009 and found it exceptional sustainability training and a fantastic international educational experience with approximately 60 other students located around the world. BHT’s work in assembling the curriculum is a true international educational service. Syllabi are available for each course on the website (here:

It is a little late to meet the Jan. 15 application deadline for Fall 2014 (Feb 3rd deadline of all documents), but not too late. Alternatively, ou may want to explore this option for Fall 2015. You may also want to review the course program and literature to understand the competencies envisioned as essential for sustainability leadership focused on socio-ecological transformational change in complex systems.  The enrollment announcement for fall 2014 is here ( 

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