
March 2011

Residential TODs in Santa Clara County are “over-parked.” Eduardo C. Serafin, AICP, and Justin Meek, with Robert W. Swierk, AICP, and Ying C. Smith, AICP, a collaboration between SJSU urban and regional planning graduate class and VTA studying parking at transit-oriented developments in the southern San Francisco Bay Area. PAGE 1 Prominent planner promotes book,

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February 2011

California’s Prop 26: Levies, taxes, and fees. Oh my! Alexandra Barnhill, Esq. PAGE 1 In memoriam. Betty Croly, FAICP, Roy Cameron, South Bay planning director, and William H. Colblon, AICP. PAGE 8 Alvaro Huerta wins National APA Award. PAGE 21 2010 Northern Section holiday party. PAGE 13 To read or download the PDF, click here.

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December/January 2011

How will California’s 2010 propositions play out in local planning? Delilah Leval. PAGE 1 Palo Alto’s hate affair with High Speed Rail. Jumana Nabti. PAGE 11 California Department of Conservation awards Excellence in Reclamation to Canal Quarry. PAGE 16 To read or download the PDF, click here. 

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November 2010

Sustainable infill development—a planner/developer’s perspective. Mark Rhoades, AICP. PAGE 1 Homelessness costs and interventions. From HUD USER, the cost of first-time homelessness, ways to improve benefits and services, and life after transitional housing. PAGE 5 VOTE NO on Prop 23. Why Prop 23 would render AB 32 ineffective and what that means for Californians. PAGE

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October 2010

Ending homelessness from San Mateo County. Joshua Abrams, AICP, and Kate Bristol. Ways to prevent and manage homelessness compliant with newly adopted Senate Bill 2. PAGE 1 SJSU students work with City of San José on corridor revitalizations. Erin Hansen and Justin Meek describe the community assessment of a 14-block section of downtown San José

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September 2010

Building a foolproof land use planning process. Al Savay, AICP, and Naphtali H. Knox, FAICP. PAGE 1 Will we build by the Bay? Development potential of three major sites as housing: the Saltworks project in Redwood City, Alameda Point, and Hunters Point. PAGE 19 Lessons learned from Prop 16 for California’s Clean Energy future. Caroline

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