
March 2000

Feature Article: Keep the “General” in the General Plan Diagram by Charles Lerable This issue of the Northern News is available thanks to a generous donation by Douglas Duncan, AICP northern-news-March-2000

March 2000 Read More »

February 2000

Feature Article: New Research on Sustainable Development: Implications for Urban Sprawl by Rebecca Rose-Smith This issue of the Northern News is available thanks to a generous donation by Douglas Duncan, AICP northern-news-February-2000

February 2000 Read More »

November 1999

Feature Article: Supporting California Parks: New Directions in Parks Funding by Joseph Ferrucci This issue of the Northern News is available thanks to a generous donation by Douglas Duncan, AICP northern-news-November-1999

November 1999 Read More »

July/August 1999

Feature Article: The Web Comes to the Northern Section by Pierce Macdonald, Michael Neuman, and Sowmya Parthasaratby This issue of the Northern News is available thanks to a generous donation by Douglas Duncan, AICP northern-news-July-1999

July/August 1999 Read More »

June 1999

Feature Article: Are Pedestrians an Endangered Species? A Summary of the State of the Bay Area Pedestrian Report: 1999 by Zachary Wald This issue of the Northern News is available thanks to a generous donation by Douglas Duncan, AICP northern-news-June-1999

June 1999 Read More »

May 1999

Feature Article: Gleaners: The Potential for Sustainable Economic Development  by Ted K. Bradshaw and Kerry Winn  This issue of the Northern News is available thanks to a generous donation by Douglas Duncan, AICP northern-news-May-1999

May 1999 Read More »

April 1999

Feature Article: Rail on the Bay Bridge: A Major Component of a Sustainable Bay Area  by Ken Norwood, AICP This issue of the Northern News is available thanks to a generous donation by Douglas Duncan, AICP northern-news-April-1999

April 1999 Read More »

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