Olivia Mendoza
Olivia Mendoza brings enthusiasm and passion for equity transportation at Steer, specifically through community engagement, TDM, behavior change, modeling, and stakeholder involvement which can reveal the wrongs of the past and give planners the opportunity to build an equitable future. Her recent experiences as a law clerk, focusing on environmental justice issues, and as a land use consultant, focusing on affordable housing in downtown Los Angeles, combined with her B.A. in Geology and Environmental Analysis degree, provide a unique skill set to solve transportation equity challenges.
Olivia started her journey in APA as a university liaison where she helped open an APA chapter at the Claremont Colleges. In this position she spread awareness about the planning community at her college and facilitated activities with other planners in the Inland Empire. After graduation she joined the Young and Emerging Planners (YEP) group as co-director for the Los Angeles section and looks forward to continuing this role in the Northern section.