Northern News

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A publication of the American Planning Association, California Chapter, Northern Section

Creating great communities for all

Ethics/Law “two-fer” program recap

By Elizabeth (Libby) Tyler, FAICP.

The Northern Section held its annual WINTER ETHICS/LAW TRAINING on February 23, 2019, at the fabulous Wendel Rosen conference facilities overlooking the heart of downtown Oakland. More than 40 Section members participated in the event. In the law session, Wendel Rosen attorney Robert Selna discussed the legalization of cannabis in California and how it is implemented through local land use permits, and attorney Amara Morrison spoke about the implications of SB 35, the new fast-track housing development legislation.

Libby Tyler, FAICP, introduces a scenario in the AICP Ethics Code. Photo: Tom Holub

The law session was followed by a panel of local certified planners who discussed APA’s current Ethics Cases of the Year along with lively audience participation. Panelists included Elizabeth “Libby” Tyler, FAICP, the section’s Ethics Review Director; Shannon Hake, AICP, Distance Education Coordinator; Afshan Hamid, AICP, Professional Development Director; and Rob Olshansky, FAICP, Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois.

If you missed this event, stay tuned; we plan to produce Webinar versions later this spring.

We welcome your ideas and suggestions for future sessions! Contact Libby Tyler at

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