Northern News

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A publication of the American Planning Association, California Chapter, Northern Section

Creating great communities for all

‘On average, AICP-certified planners earn $16,000 more annually than non-certified planners’ —APA

By Don Bradley, PhD, AICP

If you wish to pass the semi-annual AICP exam, it’s a good idea to start early and take the premier test classes Northern Section offers at UC Berkeley each spring and Fall.

This Fall, expert guest speakers and recent course grads will cover all domains of the comprehensive exam. The sessions are on Saturdays from 10AM to 3PM, September 7 and 21, and October 5, 12, and 26, 2019. Study groups are set up and meet during the lunch hour. While the application period has passed for the Fall exam, it is not too soon to study for the Spring 2020 exam.

There is a $100 fee (free for students) and if you don’t sit for the Fall exam or don’t pass, you can return to the course until you do pass and never have to pay again for new info.

The class has evolved over 30 years and has served around 1,000 planners who gained AICP certifications.

To register, send your check to Don Bradley at 2995 Woodside Road, Suite 400, Woodside, CA 94062.

For more information, please call me at (650) 592-0915. Classes start soon.

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