Northern News

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A publication of the American Planning Association, California Chapter, Northern Section

Creating great communities for all

RAPID Climate Action Network starts up

By Mindy Craig

There are lots of big visions and strategies for acting on climate change. But what should be a priority, and what can be done to catalyze immediate action?

In January, BluePoint Planning launched the RAPID Climate Action Network as a way to amplify and accelerate action for climate change. The effort was born out of the numerous climate emergency resolutions and the lack of actual action related to the emergency.

The RAPID Climate Action Forum, hosted by BluePoint, ReScape California, and BayREN in San Francisco on January 23 provided the motivation and foundation for the Network. Five RAPID Action Platforms were designed, with teams now meeting to achieve six-month goals in these areas (links open PDFs):

The model for the forum and post-forum engagement — clarifying existing work and making it actionable — can be scaled and replicated in California and nationally. In response to the demand to host more forums, we are actively planning one in Sacramento, another in Boulder and Denver and with the City of Boulder, Colorado, and a third in Contra Costa County with a consortium of nonprofits.

I am interested in the need for rapid action, sharing the concept, and inspiring engagement from planners who are very often left out of the discussion. The Forum process can help.

You can check out the Network website here.

Mindy Craig is Owner and Principal at BluePoint Planning, which she founded in 2011. Before that, she was a principal at MIG, 2000–2011.


BluePoint Planning is a for-profit DBE consulting service based in Oakland, California, that provides policy and strategic planning, facilitation, communications, and financial feasibility services.


RAPID Climate Action Network is in the process of becoming a nonprofit project to coordinate and convene nongovernmental activities related to climate change.

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