Northern News

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A publication of the American Planning Association, California Chapter, Northern Section

Creating great communities for all

Wrap-up on key planning-related bills for 2021

Gov. Gavin Newsom signed 770 new California laws and vetoed 66 as of October 11, 2021.

APA California followed 41 planning-related bills this past session. Lauren De Valencia y Sanchez of Stefan/George Associates has provided a five-page list giving the status of those bills. Of the 41, the governor signed 29, six are two-year bills, three were held in the Senate Appropriations Committee, and three were vetoed by the governor.

The list sorts the bills into six categories. There are 22 bills in “Housing/Coordinated Planning,” two in “Inclusion and Social Justice,” four in “Neighborhood Vitality and Healthy Communities,” three in “Hazards and Hazard Mitigation,” six in “Infrastructure, Services, and Fees,” and four in “CEQA.”

You can view or download the APA California list from the Northern Section website here.

This month’s Northern News carries articles on two of the bills:

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