
June 2014

Report from the APA Conference. Barry Miller, FAICP. The good and not so good of the Atlanta conference. Page 1 Meet a local planner. Siân Llewellyn, AICP, interviews Alex Amoroso, AICP, principal planner, Berkeley. Page 3 Planners’ program in Brazil. Northern section’s newest international collaboration and exchange program. Page 5 2014 Award winners, APA California-Northern. Summaries and photos for seven Awards of Merit […]

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May 2014

Smart Growth America honors Bay Area cities. Peter Costa, AICP, PTP. Oakland, Hayward, and Livermore cited for complete streets policies. Page 1 Meet a local planner. Naphtali H. Knox, FAICP, interviews Joe Horwedel, AICP, p. 5 Ecodistricts: from notions to actions. Scott T. Edmonson, AICP. Moving from sustainability ideas to neighborhood action. Page 8 Two thirds of California’s developed land is under extreme stress. By

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April 2014

My Oakland. Erik Balsley, AICP, interviews Cindy Ma. Second in a series. Page 1 Planners, public health, and healthy cities. Donald W. Bradley, Ph.D., AICP. Our full circle on public health. Page 3 Meet a local planner. Jennifer Piozet interviews Michael Groves, AICP. Page 6 Two research projects seek input. California’s special districts; and technology and

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March 2014

So you want to be a Planning Director. Curtis S. Williams, AICP. Five key characteristics for becoming a successful planning director. Page 1 Meet a local planner. Jennifer Piozet interviews Siân Llewellyn, AICP, Vice Pres. design+planning, AECOM. Page 4 Pollution in paradise. Adam Turréy and Dana Turréy. Thailand: rapid development, lax environmental regulation. Page 8 In memoriam.

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February 2014

Home deconstruction program reduces landfill waste and promotes recycling. By Scott McKay, AICP. PAGE 1 Meet a local planner. Jennifer Piozet, associate editor, interviews Jason Rogers, AICP, senior planner with the City of San Jose. PAGE 4 November membership survey results. By Scott Davidson, AICP. PAGE 8 National APA awards go to two Bay Area projects.

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December 2013/January 2014

Exurban and super-high density. By Jennifer Piozet, associate editor. Turkish hillside development and its impacts on existing housing. PAGE 1 Where in the world. Photo by Elizabeth Rynecki. PAGE 4 Call for nominations, APA California Northern 2014 awards. PAGE 8 Planning students make an impact with Fall events. By Mark Young and Amanda Becker. PAGE 11 Eight holiday party photos. PAGE 15

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November 2013

San Francisco’s street wars, By James Rojas & Fay Darmawi. Re-imagining Columbus Avenue. PAGE 1 Call for Section Treasurer nominations. PAGE 3 Legislative Year in Review for land use planners, By Alexander Barnhill. Another year without major CEQA reform. PAGE 5 More eastern span photos. PAGE 16 Australian planning surprises, By John F. Livingstone, AICP. PAGE 19 To read or download

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October 2013

Artists and community beautify San Jose Neighborhoods. By Tina Morrill. Art Box Project encourages community pride, reduces graffiti. PAGE 1 John Blayney, FAICP, 1927-2013: An appreciation. Ellen Greenberg, AICP, honors long-time Bay Area planner. PAGE 4 Who’s where: Gitelman, Hefner, Moloney, Sharma, Watson, and Wong. PAGE 5 Letters: W. Paul Farmer, FAICP; Gary Binger. PAGE 7 Where in the world. Mystery skyline

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September 2013

Light rail returns to LA’s West Side, By Ellen Gelbard. 15.2-mile “Expo line” will soon serve western LA County. PAGE 1 Bay Area Bike Share. By Jonathan Schuppert, AICP. Bike Share launches with 70 stations and 700 bikes. PAGE 8 Due process. By Stephen A. McEwen, Esq. Recent appellate decisions clarify how local agencies should conduct administrative hearings. PAGE 14

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July/August 2013

Locals assist Vietnam preservation efforts. Stefan Pellegrini, AICP, reports on a two-week workshop to establish policies for lands surrounding Hué’s historic, world heritage monuments. PAGE 1 Meet a local planner. Tania Sheyner, AICP, interviews Kim Jordan, Ukiah senior planner. Fifth in a series. PAGE 6 Plan-it sustainably, by Dave Javid, AICP. The future of livable cities on the Pacific Rim.

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