Author name: Francine Farrell

As the Bay Area urbanizes around it, Livermore is one of the last ag cities standing

By Will McCarthy, The Mercury News, March 29, 2023 “From certain places on Darrel Sweet’s ranch near Altamont Pass, the world looks no different than it did 150 years ago. Wildflowers blanket the hillside. A ranch dog named J.J. chases squirrels across a muddy dirt track. Cows stand near a cattle pond, looking out at

As the Bay Area urbanizes around it, Livermore is one of the last ag cities standing Read More »

‘There are no people here’: S.F.’s $2.2 billion transit center remains an empty cavern

By Carolyn Said, San Francisco Chronicle, April 25, 2023 “Two distinct realities — vibrant activity and eerie emptiness — are juxtaposed at Transbay transit center, the three-block-long behemoth cloaked in curvaceous white steel located south of Mission Street, running from Beale Street to just shy of Second Street. “One of the Bay Area’s biggest infrastructure

‘There are no people here’: S.F.’s $2.2 billion transit center remains an empty cavern Read More »

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