Author name: Northern Section

Conference Mobile App

Heading to the 2015 APA California Conference? Make sure you show up prepared with the conference mobile app. You’ll get the full conference schedule including speakers, maps, session details as well as the ability for AICP members to complete the CM conference evaluation form digitally; create your own personalized “My Schedule” containing events, mobile workshops, […]

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October 2015

Green infrastructure requirements for Bay Area. Laura Prickett, AICP. 76 Bay Area jurisdictions must adopt green infrastructure plans in 2019. Page 1 Director’s note. Andrea Ouse, AICP. Welcome to Oakland and the 2015 APA California planning conference! Page 3 Why planners make good hackers. James Castañeda, AICP. Planners and hackers can gain knowledge and resources from each other. Page 5

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Available Board Positions

The Board of APA California – Northern is seeking interested individuals for two positions: Communications Director Planning Commissioner Representative Associate Newsletter Editor San Francisco Reginal Activity Coordinator (RAC) Please review the Northern Section By-Laws for a description of each position. If interested in one of these positions please contact Erik S. Balsley, AICP, Section Director-Elect,

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Sustainability at the APA California Conference 2015

The October 2015 Northern News, Plan-it sustainably Column summarizes the conferences sessions in terms of an emerging sustainability “pivot” from mitigation to regeneration. (see page 10) One of our blog posts expands on the Emerging Sustainability “Pivot” Column. Another blog post lists the Conference’s sustainability offerings: In addition, these two PDFs of the two blog

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News from Rio — The New UN Agenda for Sustainable Development

What are the implications for Planning, and for your community’s sustainability planning initiatives, now that the world’s nations have reached a “Historic UN Agreement on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development?” “This is the first time in human history that the entirety of humanity . . . has come together in agreement on a set of

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The Biophilic Value “Thickens”

Urban metabolism is one new emerging arena of urban planning and design. It complements two other more traditional arenas: the growth dynamic or the urban built environment, real estate development, land economics, and demographics, and (2) health and quality of life (QoL). <<cite forthcoming>> In this tripartite scheme, biodiversity, biophilia, and integrating nature, or “habitat”

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Integrating Nature Into the Built Environment – Impressive Practice and Resources

The Challenge of integrating nature into our buildings and cities has been forever changed by the biophilia hypothesis.  Such integration would nurture that elusive and shy direct connection to our essential human nature. We dearly need that connection on a daily basis for our development and on-going well being. A Biophilic approach also creates a

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Getting to High Performance Districts, Cities, Regions & Sustainability

Charles Kelley, of ZGF Architects, presented his leading-edge approach and tools for designing high-performance districts to a core group of sustainability planners at SF Planning in late July. The idea arose from a conversation at a reception hosted by ZGF for the EcoDistrict Incubator program held in Portland this past spring. Charles and ZGF, along with

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