
June 2013

Infill and reuse enliven Oakland’s Uptown, Matt Taecker, AICP. PAGE 1 When CEQA and Initiatives collide, planners need to be prepared, Matthew Visick and Alexandra Barnhill. Proactively analyze environmental impact when a land use measure is proposed for the ballot. PAGE 9 Northern Section’s 2014 international planning tour, Alex Hinds and Hing Wong, AICP. Russia, Estonia, […]

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May 2013

Tweet, like, post. How APA California – Northern Section is using social media, by Erik S. Balsley, AICP. PAGE 1 Shared equity homeownership. San Francisco’s Below Market program preserves future affordability. Condensed from HUD USER, Fall 2012. PAGE 8 Chicago conference reminiscences, by Naphtali H. Knox, FAICP. PAGE 9 Creating better streets. The nonprofit re:Streets is online with

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April 2013

Solving the stakeholder engagement puzzle, by Al Savay, AICP. The ideal is everyone in agreement at the final decision-making point. PAGE 1 Plan Bay Area draft EIR available. Public workshops will be held in April and May on MTC’s draft Plan Bay Area and EIR. PAGE 7 Off-site public improvements as a Map Condition. By Alan A. Sozio, Thomas D. Jex, and

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March 2013

Meet a local planner. A new column by Tania Sheyner, AICP. PAGE 1 AB 1616, the California Homemade Food Act. The planning and zoning issues the law poses for cities and counties, and the regulatory and oversight roles that local governments can still play. Stephen A. McEwen, Esq. PAGE 4 A short history of the professionalization of city planning. How we became

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February 2013

A new era for Housing Elements? By Pete Parkinson, AICP, and Barbara Kautz, FAICP. PAGE 1. HCD’s Housing Element Update Guidance will make housing element reviews less frustrating. San Jose State students assess an urban neighborhood. Dwight Brown, Jennifer Piozet, Jacqueline Vance. PAGE 7 Newby Island recovers resources, generates power. By Ray Hashimoto, AICP, and

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December 2012/January 2013

A Taiwan reflection. A planning intern summarizes her experience. Lydia Yen. PAGE 1 Director’s note. Recap of Northern Section accomplishments, 2011–2012. Hanson Hom, AICP. PAGE 3 “Smart Parking” solutions. Summary of policy workshop on AB 904. PAGE 7 Holiday Party photos. PAGE 13 The 2013 Northern Section planning awards. Which projects and planners shined in

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November 2012

Lessons learned from LEED to lean. We can promote pedestrian mobility and wellness with mixed-use zoning models. Peter Pirnejad. PAGE 1 What’s inside: complete contents, PAGE 2 Your help wanted to plan Chapter Conference in 2015 in Northern Section. Hanson Hom, AICP. PAGE 3 2012 Legislative Year in Review for land use planners. Alexandra Barnhill. PAGE

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October 2012

Beyond Boom-Bust-Boom. The 2010 census shows how remarkably San Jose changed in 10 years. Michael Bills. PAGE 1 What’s inside: complete contents, PAGE 2 Director’s note, Hanson Hom, AICP. P. 3 Intelligent gigabyte cities — the wave of the future. Michele Rodriguez, AICP, looks at our outmoded energy system and grid and what smart grid can offer in vastly improved capacity, computing capability, and comprehensive

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September 2012

Green update for supportive housing in Berkeley, HUD USER. PAGE 1 What’s inside: complete contents, PAGE 2 Director’s note, Hanson Hom. Upcoming election for two board positions. Nominations for FAICP. PAGE 3 Norcal roundup, Erik Balsley. PAGE 5 Plan-it Sustainably: Biophilic cities. Scott Edmondson. PAGE 9 Measuring Healthy Development, Poonam Narkar. PAGE 13  Available in PDF or a virtual

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July/August 2012

Grants fund San Francisco Planning to 1.5 million annually. PAGE 1 What’s inside: complete contents, PAGE 2 Wrap-up of recent planning-related court decisions. PAGE 8 Who’s where: Julie B. Eldridge, AICP; Delilah Leval; Lisa Bates; John David Beutler, AICP. PAGE 10 Available in PDF or a virtual online magazine. To read as a PDF, click

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